Our camp is split into three divisions:
Our Pre-School program provides countless activities that are designed to meet the physical and emotional needs of our youngest campers. Your child will be safe and secure in a caring environment. This group is headed by a preschool teacher and she is assisted by a hand selected group of counselors. To ensure the safety and proper care of your children this group has a very high staff to camper ratio
Activities Include:
- Arts and Crafts
- Baking
- Dance
- Martial Arts
- Swim
- Sports
- Weekly Shabbat Party
- Weekly Trips
- Morning Circle Time
- Afternoon Rest Time
Our Yareiach division is our youngest division for elementary school age children. The division is divided into two groups. Yareiach1 is for children in grades one and two, and Yareiach 2 is for children in grades three and four. For many children this is their first day camp experience. Campers in this division are taught the concept of good sportsmanship and they are instilled with the importance of fair play. Your child is guaranteed to have a smile on his/her face while creating memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.
Activities Include:
- Arts and Crafts
- Baking
- Dance
- Martial Arts
- Swim
- Sports
- Talent Show
- Color War
- Carnival
- Two Trips Per Week
Our Shemesh Division provides a wonderful transition as our campers enter their pre-teen years. They will enjoy two trips per week, as well as a late night activity. Shemesh campers participate in a variety of indoor and outdoor activities including amazing fun filled trips to local venues as well as major theme parks like Six Flags Great Adventures and/or Hershey Park. The Shemesh division provides campers with unforgettable experiences, memories, and friendships that will last a lifetime.
Activities Include:
- Sports
- Ceramics
- Dance / Hip Hop
- Karate
- Art
- Trips Twice Per Week
- Swim
- Late Stay Activity
- Color War
- Carnival
- And more…
We offer kosher, nutritious meals which consists of breakfast, hot lunch and snacks.
Hot lunch is served daily in our banquet sized dining room. Breakfast consists of cereal and milk.
On day trip days, if the trip is a half day trip then campers will be served the regular hot lunch.
On trips that are full days, lunch will consist of tuna or cheese sandwiches.
Snack is provided prior to dismissal. Snack may be cookies and milk, chips, fresh fruit etc.